All-Source Stakeholder Mapping

In cases of investment, legal investigation and the establishment of a partnership or security operations that are especially sensitive, it pays to conduct a thorough stakeholder analysis. Stakeholder Mapping enables you to see how opposing interests influence the kinds of information parties around you are willing to share and who amongst them are the most relevant. This can assist you in identifying where denial or deception might be at play and help you find new profitable courses of action.

In our current highly networked society, influence is—in many cases—no longer concentrated by a handful of actors but instead is shared between many parties that may differ in expertise, opinions, and culture. Therefore, a forward-looking organisation needs to be aware of the intricate ways in which stakeholders relevant to them function and how they are related to one another. An overview of such relations can change your whole perception of a situation and, more importantly, may show that the influence of opposing parties is more significant (or lesser!) than could have been supposed at first glance.

Stakeholder Mapping

Types of Operations

Our services in this domain range from purely informational to in-depth tailor-made activities that will enable you to know exactly who is who and where to go. At TGI, we're the 'one-stop shop' for all intelligence services and engagements in a new market.

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Exclusive Source Reporting

Our access to exclusive sources allows us to thoroughly map a stakeholder’s circle of influence, key relationships, and intents and capabilities. We create a clear picture of a party’s intention and capabilities by analysing the internal and external environment. This allows TGI to explore possible ways of engagement with that party and the related risks and opportunities associated with each engagement option. Stakeholder mapping is the key to success in any venture targeted at new environments.



Through our ‘engagements’ services, companies are empowered to build trust with key institutions and individuals that may affect the delivery and success of their business strategy. At TGI, we build a network at the locality of your interest with a critical selection of parties whom we identify through our access to key sources. This network not only serves as a basis for further investigative endeavours but can support you in ‘leaping’ into informed action.

Scenario Building

Based on thorough stakeholder analysis and continued monitoring and assessment of key partners and the external environment, TGI allows you to engage in creative, action-oriented Scenario Building. To properly determine the best course of action amidst the complex web of interrelated stakeholders, at TGI, we advise our clients to plan for multiple contingent futures and be strategically prepared for each of the more likely and impactful ones. TGI has extensive experience in these types of operations.

Our approach

Level of Impact


The first step in our approach is ‘indicate’.  This step has the lowest level of impact. The act of indicating entails pointing out why something has happened. To save both time and effort later on, it is important to start with the indicate step. The indicate step allows the formulation of well thought out strategies and is thus able to prevent common mistakes. At TGI, our specific approach entails mapping out the relevant playing field so that our client knows exactly who is responsible for what and who they should approach. The indicate step explains why something has happened or why someone has done something. At TGI, we are able to use our expertise in a variety of methods, from OSINT to HUMINT, to explain a particular phenomenon. The exact methodology undertaken depends on the needs and wishes of the client. A sound explanation of the past is a precondition for an adequate approach to the future.


The second step in our approach is ‘forecast’. Building on the first step, its impact is higher than that of ‘indicate’ as approaches to the future are based on forecasts. Without careful consideration, unfounded gambles can quickly turn into expansive mistakes. However, on the flip side, inaction will always put you behind the competition where you might miss attractive opportunities. This dilemma can be solved by basing forecasts on solid, up-to-date intelligence. At TGI we have the expertise and methods to construct high quality forecasts on a wide range of issues. In the forecast step we extensively analyse the results from the indicate step to determine the most likely course of action and worst-case scenarios. This allows you to capitalise on rewarding opportunities whilst being prepared for any threats to your business. An adequate understanding of the future takes away uncertainty and puts you in control.


‘Influence’ is the third step in the TGI approach and has an even greater impact than ‘forecast’. Whereas the previous two steps are intellectual, influencing involves the exercising of power on another actor to change his or her conviction on a certain topic and/or planned course of action regardless of whether the other actor knows that it is being influenced or not. The right influence simultaneously increases opportunities and reduces threats. At TGI, the ‘influence’ step predicts the positions of certain actors and provides an indication of what has happened to determine how best to influence those actors. This means that we combine our research and analytical capabilities with our extensive network of influential people to create a new development or event and/or to steer an existing development in the desired direction. TGI can influence the right actors or developments to put you in control.


The final step in the TGI approach is ‘act’. This has the greatest impact of all four steps. This step is last because it depends on a sound explanation of the past and an adequate prediction of the future. Furthermore, it is also not possible to act on a development or opportunity that has not yet been created. Acts are most effective if they are carried out with full determination and the right combination of capabilities. Tt TGI we meet both requirements. The ‘act’ step is what TGI’s approach is all about. The three previous steps have been building up to, and laying the foundation for, this last step. At this point we have explained a development in the ‘indicate’ step, we have predicted the most likely course of action and the worst-case scenario in the ‘forecast’ step and we have created the right developments in the ‘influence’ step. It is now time to capitalise on the opportunities created and have intelligence put you in control.

"Operations have never been our biggest challenge, it is always about getting the best intelligence to the client on time”

Ray Klaassens - Co-founder & Managing partner